
GWE hosts a number of events throughout the year to allow our community to welcome new students, network, share experience, develop study groups, discuss issues, and socialize.

You can keep track of upcoming events through our calendar. We also send upcoming events and opportunities through our email listserv (sign up here!).

General Meetings

We hold monthly general meetings with snacks, where we plan and discuss upcoming events. Any member is welcome to attend these general meetings.

Social Events

We host a number of social events throughout the year, including ice cream socials, Halloween parties, breakfast socials, coloring nights, and dinners at local restaurants.

In the beginning of each semester we attend events like Grad-stravaganza to welcome new members to our community. We also host events like ice cream socials to welcome new members.

Outreach Events

We host volunteering events for Girl Scouts, and encourage our members to volunteer at outreach events hosted by other societies.


Recently, we have sponsored members to attend the Society of Women Engineers Annual conferences and weSTEM hosted by UIUC.

Professional Development Events

We host events with companies, workshops where we cover topics such as salary negotiation, and have a speaker series. We also have networking events with LAGSES and BGESS and companies like Google, Intel, and P&G. Additionally we have a Speaker Series, which aims to provide a unique forum for female scientists and engineers to share their stories, including how and why they have made their professional decisions and balanced their careers with other aspects of their lives.

Personal Development Events

GWE has a book and media club, where we consume and discuss media to educate ourselves on topics such as anti-Blackness in academia, intersectionality, implicit bias, and environmental racism.
Our GWEbinar series also has a series of personal development topics.

GWE Calendar