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GWE Biweekly Newsletter

April 22th, 2024

GWEekly Abstract (more details below)

GWE Updates

  1. GWE general meeting and crafts (lunch will be provided!) April 26th, 12-1:30pm

Community Updates

  1. LAGSES End of (Academic) Year Celebration April 25th, 6pm at Raleigh's Pub

Announcement Details:

GWE Updates

GWE general meeting and crafts
We'll be having a general meeting on April 26, 12-1:30pm at Etcheverry 5102. We'll go over information about our upcoming officer elections and vote on constitution amendments. Afterwards, stick around for lunch and card-making crafts! Please RSVP here so we can make sure we have enough food. Hope to see you there!

Community Updates

LAGSES End of (Academic) Year Celebration
Latino/a Association of Graduate Students in Engineering and Science [LAGSES] is having an End of (Academic) Year Celebration on April 25th at 6pm at Raleigh's Pub!!!


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