Speaker Series continues this Thursday
Chaeyoung Shin:
March 3rd 6-7 PM
The GWE Speaker Series continues with our third event on
Thursday March 3rd from
6-7pm in the
630 Bechtel Conference room in Sutardja Dai Hall! The speaker series provides current engineering graduate students with the opportunity to hear the stories of successful women engineers from different backgrounds and walks of life. Come hear the story of
Dr. Chaeyoung Shin, co-founder and CEO at NAMUH (formerly Sugarlogix). We will touch on topics including the choices faced when deciding on the next steps after graduate school, navigating one's career, and balancing personal and professional decisions. Due to space limitations, please fill out
this RSVP if you plan to attend, and dinner will be provided after the event for in-person attendees. If you are unable to attend but would still like to watch, we will provide a
live broadcast (Meeting ID: 931 2801 7965 and Passcode: 436419). Below is the details of all our events, so mark your calendars, and please refer to our attached flyers for more information:
- March 3rd - Chaeyoung Shin GCal
- March 17th - Vi Rapp GCal
Find out more about the upcoming speakers -
Event flyer
GWE Spring Events Announcement
Look out for more communication on upcoming events this spring! These will include a dinner, speed dating, and glow-in-the-dark frisbee and ice cream.
*We will be celebrating our GWE members in our annual dinner this Friday 3/4/22.
Check out the
flyer for more info!